WG0 Management

The Management WG is lead by the Chair and Vice-Chair with the help of four Task leaders named by the Action Chair. Tasks leaders will work in tight synergy since their activities are interconnected. Task leaders will report on the advancements of their respective activities in the SG meetings.


Rosalba Tatiana Fittipaldi

Task Leader (CNR-SPIN, Salerno Unit, IT)

WG0(MA)–T1: Internal meetings, conferences, workshops, joint projects.

Task Leader: Rosalba Tatiana Fittipaldi (CNR-SPIN, Salerno Unit, IT)

This task will be in charge of most of the scientific/technological networking aspects within the Action and will need Coordination with T2 especially for the website, with T3 especially for the STSM. It will be in charge of providing the maximum integration of the partners belonging to the private sector with research institutions, fostering a fruitful know-how exchange. It will provide a coordination to single national researchers and to researchers focusing on different functionalities of similar materials. It will organize an annual conference and support the single WGs for the preparation of topical meetings. It will spread information about calls within H2020 programmes and stimulate the formation of teams submitting joint applications.


Daniele Marré

Task Leader (University of Genova, IT)

WG0(MA)-T2: Dissemination towards external stakeholders and website managements.

Task Leader: Daniele Marré (University of Genova, IT)

This task will be principally in charge of the communication with external stakeholders. As being responsible for the website management, T2 will also strongly interact with T1 and T3 providing a platform for the communication within the participants, including job posting. T2 will be in charge of organising round tables and establishing durable links with external stakeholders (including corporations), EU and national Entities, the EU Public Society, major scientist working in the same field outside EU. T2 will also be in charge of expanding the TO-BE network by fostering the participation of new partners.


Laurence Mechin


WG0(MA)-T3: ERS careers and training; short term scientific missions (STSM).

Task Leader: Laurence Mechin (GREYC ENSICAEN-CNRS-UCBN, FR)

This task will be in charge of attracting ERS, providing them a training both in terms of education (training schools) and practical working experiences within the participant institutions (STSM) and by keeping a database of job opportunities and of ESR CVs that will be hosted on the website managed within T2. STSM of experienced researchers will be also managed within this Task. The attention to gender balance issues, that is a priority of our Action, will be maximum within this Task. STMS will be agreed with WG leaders. The Vice-chair, having a special assignment on gender balance issues, is entitled to require regular information on this specific aspect and to report timely any problem to the SG.


Josep Fontcuberta

Task Leader (ICMAB, ES)

WG0(MA)-T4 Editing of the roadmap book/volume.

Task Leader: Josep Fontcuberta (ICMAB, ES)

This task will be in charge of monitoring the activity that will lead to the publication of a dedicated volume named “Roadmap of oxide-based technologies” (the title might be revised in the course of the years). The editorial board will include, beside the WG0–T4 leader, the Action Chair and the WG2, WG3 leaders. Other editors might be added. Authors of the volume will typically be part of the Action Working Groups, but contributions by non-EU authors will also be solicited. Some abstract of the Roadmap will be freely available on the Action website. The editorial board will define a timeline for the Roadmap preparation and publication. The leader of this Task will be in charge of contacting the authors and monitoring the timeliness of the activity vs the timeline.